First results shown at CATAPULT project final event
“Travelling autonomously through public transport: modelling and case studies in Brussels”
Slides: https://justice-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/JUSTICE_CATAPULTevent.pdf
First results shown at CATAPULT project final event
“Travelling autonomously through public transport: modelling and case studies in Brussels”
Slides: https://justice-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/JUSTICE_CATAPULTevent.pdf
First results shown at UGI-IGU Paris 2022
“Populations fragiles et usage des transports publics : quelles visions d’un juste accès aux ressources urbaines à Strasbourg, Bruxelles & Konya ?”
Slides available online: https://justice-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/JUSTICE_UGI_Paris_2022.pdf
On RTBF La Première: https://auvio.rtbf.be/media/2941573
And on BX1 (from 20’ to 28’): https://bx1.be/radio-emission/le-12h30-16-09-2022/
First results shown at NECTAR TORONTO 2022
“Accessibility: Combining Modelling and Participative Approaches to Assess Public Transport Inclusiveness and Justice”
Slides available online: https://justice-project.eu/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/JUSTICE_NECTAR_Toronto_2022.pdf